Saturday: 5:00 PM

  Sunday: 9:00AM (Polish), 10:30 AM, 12 Noon 

Weekdays: 7:30 AM

Confessions: Before all Masses 

Both the 5:00PM Mass on Saturdays and the 9:00AM Mass in Polish on Sundays will be Collective Intentions Masses, which means there may be more than one intention at these Masses.

Baptisms and Weddings:

Please email or call the office if you would like to schedule a Baptism or Wedding. Weddings should be scheduled 6 months in advance of wedding date.     


Just a reminder that on Fridays during Lent and on Ash Wednesday, all Catholics who are 14 years and over should not be eating meat. Please see the bulletin for more information on Lenten Fast and Abstinence. 


 All of the faithful who have received First Communion are bound by obligation to receive Communion at least once a year. This precept should be filled during the Easter Season, unless it is filled at another time during the year.  In the United States, the Easter Duty may be satisfied from the first Sunday of Lent (March 9th) to Trinity Sunday (June 15) the Sunday after Pentecost.  During Lent,  we invite all our parishioners to do their best to attend daily Mass.


Confession is a beautiful opportunity to confess your sins to God and seek true forgiveness, especially during this Season of Lent. This sacrament allows Jesus to absolve your sins and helps you lead a life following the guidance and glory of Christ. While it may seem difficult to confess your deepest fears, regrets, and sins, confession is a liberating experience that allows you to repair your relationship with our Lord.

Regularly going to confession can heal and cleanse the soul and alleviate the guilt of living life in sin having sinned against God. (Catholic World Mission)

Fr. Janusz will hear confessions daily (Monday - Saturday) before the 7:30AM mass and every weekend before each mass all throughout Lent.  


We encourage you to attend the Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 5:00PM in English and 6:30PM in Polish throughout Lent.


There will be an  Easter Novena of Masses beginning on Easter Sunday. If you would like your loved one, living or deceased, to be remembered in our novena of Masses for nine consecutive days, complete the Easter Novena of Masses envelope, which can be found in your envelope packages or in the vestibules of the church. Please return the envelope by Easter Sunday so your loved one can be remembered in the novena.


Please join us each month on the first Thursday morning after the 7:30AM daily Mass for Exposition of the Most Holy Eucharist, with Adoration and Rosary to pray for new vocations. 


Please note that in an effort to reduce costs and since so few parishioners were using them, the return envelopes that are included in your envelope packets will no longer be included beginning with the January 2025 packages.  There will be some of these envelopes in the vestibules of the church and in the rectory office.  If you  would like some mailed to you, please call Erika in the rectory office at 631-283-0667. Thank you.


This weekend, we join with other parishes across the Diocese to kick off the 2025 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Nourished by the precious gift of the Holy Eucharist and the true Presence of the Lord, we are working together as we continue His mission to evangelize and assist others in need.  You should receive a letter this week asking for your support of the CMA. If you did not receive the letter, please take a self-mailer brochure which can be found in the vestibules of the church.

​100% of every dollar raised is restricted to fund the objectives, programs, and mission supported by the Catholic Ministries Appeal, touching each of our 133 parishes and more than 600,000 people each year. Through Communion, we worship together and share in the love and unity of the Trinity. We participate by serving one another in our Mission to evangelize and share the love of our Faith with others.  Last year we reached our goal and received a rebate back to our parish for our own use. Be sure to include Our Lady of Poland as your parish so your donation can go towards our goal of $19,300.00 for the 2025 Appeal. For more information about the Catholic Ministries Appeal, please call 516-678-5800 ext. 296  or visit CatholicMinistriesAppeal.org Thank you so much to all of you who support the Appeal!


On May 3, 2025, the Patron Day of our Lady,  Queen of Poland, there will be a special Mass at 5PM celebrated by Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski for the Crowning of the Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our church.

Each year Fr. Janusz celebrates our Patron Day in a special way.  This year Fr. Janusz has commissioned an artist in Poland to make a crown for our Blessed Mother. We hope you will mark your calendars and plan on attending this special celebration on May 3, 2025 at the 5PM Mass. More details to follow soon!


Thank you all for coming to the Blessing of our new organ and concert on Saturday, November 16th.  We thank Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski for blessing the organ, which was generously donated to Our Lady of Poland by Sheila Guidera and the Guidera family in loving memory of + Kevin Guidera. Kevin passed away last December and has been greatly missed by all of us here at Our Lady of Poland. 

We also thank the Southampton Knights of Columbus who donated the funds to cover the costs of shipping the new organ from Europe.  The Knights are good friends to Our Lady of Poland and we are grateful for their generosity towards the organ and throughout the years.

Finally, thank you to our parishioner, Piotr Soroka and professional organist from St Hedwig’s Church in Floral Park, Zbigniew Mackowiak, for the many hours they spent purchasing and installing the new organ.  Zbigniew was joined by the extremely gifted soprano, Andrea Lapinski, for a beautiful concert after the Mass.  Thank you for sharing your talents with the parishioners of Our Lady of Poland!


Fr. Chris returned to Poland on Thursday, September 5th. We truly appreciate all his hard work this summer. As many of you know, this past year Fr. Chris published a book in English. The title is: Ratzinger: Apologetics for (not only) Our Time (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2024). His book will continue to be available on Amazon


Or search on Amazon: Ratzinger Apologetics

Congratulations Fr. Chris!

We wish Fr. Chris a great year and look forward to seeing him again next summer! Safe travels & thank you!


With the gift of our new organ, we would like to expand our music ministry with a new Children’s Choir.  The Children’s Choir will sing on the First Sunday of each month. We hope to begin on Sunday, October 6th. The exact Mass and rehearsal times will be mutually decided upon once members have joined. 

All children and students from Our Lady of the Hamptons are welcome!  

If you have a child that is interested, please call our organist, Peter at 631-255-9795 or Erika in the rectory office at 631-283-0667.  


If you are unable to attend the Diocesan Golden Wedding Anniversary Masses (see ad to the right) and you a celebrating a special Anniversary,  please let Father Janusz know. He would be happy to give you a special Blessing in honor of your love and commitment to each other. Whether you have been married 5, 25 or 60 years,  Father Janusz can bless your marriage, regardless of the numbers of years.  Please can call, email, stop by the rectory or speak to Fr. Janusz after Mass.


Please join us on Saturday morning after the 7:30AM daily Mass for Exposition of the Most Holy Eucharist until 9AM, with the Rosary, the Litany and Adoration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus


The new Mass Book for the Year of the Lord, 2025, is now open. If there are dates that are close to your heart, please stop by call, email or mail your request to the rectory as soon as possible. All dates are given out on a first come, first serve basis. Please note the 5PM Mass on Saturdays & the 9:00AM Polish Mass on Sundays, will be continue to be Collective Intentions Masses.  This means there may be more than one intention at these Masses.  It is $20 per Mass.


Flowers to decorate the Sanctuary and bread and wine for each week can be donated in memory of a loved one, in thanksgiving, or for another intention close to your heart. Please call, email or stop by the rectory if you would like to dedicate flowers, bread and wine or a Mass for your special intention


Thank you for a very successful Annual Summer Appeal!  Please see page 4 of the September 15, 2024 Bulletin for a special thank you letter from Fr. Janusz.


Please call the rectory if you or someone you know would like to receive Holy Communion but are unable to attend Mass due to a long term illness.  Father Janusz visits the sick & elderly on the first Friday of each month & would be happy to visit you.


 If you would like a mass card, dedicate mass intentions or flowers, receive a baptismal certificate or any other business matter, please stop by the rectory on any Monday thru Friday between the hours of 10AM - 2PM.  If you are not available during these times, please call the rectory at  631-283-0667 and we would be happy to schedule an appointment with you. The office is closed on all Holidays and Holy Days.


Just a reminder that confessions are heard every Saturday from 4PM to 4:45PM and before all weekday and Sunday Masses or by appointment. You may call the rectory to schedule a confession. 

Confession is a beautiful opportunity to confess your sins to God and seek true forgiveness. This sacrament allows Jesus to absolve your sins and helps you lead a life following the guidance and glory of Christ. While it may seem difficult to confess your deepest fears, regrets, and sins, confession is a liberating experience that allows you to repair your relationship with our Lord.

Regularly going to confession can heal and cleanse the soul and alleviate the guilt of living life in sin having sinned against God. (Catholic World Mission)


All Masses will continue to be live-streamed on our website - olpchurch.org so that you can watch the Mass from your home but if we experience technical difficulties, the Catholic Faith Network (CFN) will provide televised and online daily Masses, as well as other devotional and spiritual programs. (Optimum channel 29/137, Verizon FiOS TV channel 296, and Spectrum channel 162/471.) CFN is also available on selected cable and satellite systems and through 24/7 live stream at CFNtv.org. 

You can also subscribe to our live-feed and our you-tube channel which can be accessed from our website, so that you will receive notifications of liturgies and Masses. Please like our Facebook page at facebook.com/ourladyofpolandchurch for latest news on our parish.


You can submit your weekly collection or make a donation to Our Lady of Poland on our website: olpchurch.org. Just scroll down to Support Our Lady of Poland and click the Donate button.  No registration or account is needed.  You can either donate with a debit or credit card or with a PayPal account. It is quick, easy, safe and secure.  You can also send your envelopes to the rectory and they will be processed as soon as possible.  We thank you for your financial support during this difficult time.


Thank you Southampton Knights of Columbus for providing us with plenty of refills for our hands-free Purell dispensers. We are truly grateful to the Knights of Columbus for always supporting Our Lady of Poland. We encourage you to use the hands-free Purell dispensers in the vestibules of the church as you enter and exit Mass. 

Remember: Dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains in effect indefinitely. Those who are sick or vulnerable due to age or health conditions are strongly encouraged to remain at home and view the Mass online on our website.


Each Sunday, Father Janusz would like to offer a special blessing after Mass to anyone that is celebrating a birthday this week.  If your birthday is between now and next Sunday, please come up to the altar today after Mass with your family for a blessing from Fr. Janusz.


We have noticed many people stop in our church to pray in front of our portraits of Our Lady of Czestochowa and Pope St. John Paul II.  We have installed new intention boxes by each portrait. You may place your prayer intention for the intercession of our Blessed Virgin Mary or Pope St. John Paul II in each box.  Your intentions for our Blessed Virgin Mary will be read at the 5PM Mass on the first Saturday of each month. Intentions for Pope St. John Paul II will be read at the 7:30AM Mass on the First Friday of each month.  If your intention is private, you can write “For a special intention”. Free will offering. Thank you to Robert Zaleski and Piotr Soroka for installing these new intention boxes.

International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima - June 22, 2024

Our Lady of Poland was honored to host the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima, as well as relics of St. Jacinta and St. Francisco on June 22, 2024. We are happy that so many people were able to attend. A very special thank you to Loretta Lynch and Carmela Cicero for planning the event, S. Kathy and the young children from Our Lady of the Hamptons, the members of the Knights of Columbus Southampton Council #1967, as well as for the fourth degree Honor Guard for participating in the procession. We are also grateful to the ladies of the Rosary Society for leading us in prayer and to our organist, Piotr Soroka and cantor, Loretta Lynch for leading us in song throughout the evening, and to Patricia Garland for being our lector, Christopher Morro for altar serving and Karen Morro for serving as a Eucharistic Minister. Thank you to Loretta and Terry Lynch for the most beautiful flowers surrounding Our Lady and Theresa Skowyra for the flowers in front of the altar. It was truly a special evening!


The Polish Legion of American Veterans - Ladies Auxiliary is wrapping up taking names this year for the Polish American Veterans Memorial in Sacred Hearts Cemetery. They are trying to fulfill their promise to the families of the WWII veterans and are almost completed. They are up to 100 WWII Veterans.  Any group, organization, or individual that would like to sponsor the cost of engraving the additional names on the  wall, as well as the cost of regular maintenance and flowers placed at the Memorial for holidays and services, please contact: Thea Dombrowski-Fry at 631-276-3435 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   God Bless America and our fallen Veterans. Please keep their families in your prayers. 

The PLAV - Ladies Auxiliary would like to congratulate Peter Gale for 50 years of service to the Southampton Fire Department. He was awarded an Appreciation Award from the PLAV - Ladies Auxiliary, as well as Robert Essay Sr. - 50 years and in Memoriam - Edward Corrigan for 75 years of service to the SHFD. Thank you for your service!

The Polish Legion of American Veterans U.S.A. (PLAV) is a veterans organization open to all Active Members of our Armed Forces and Honorable Discharged Veterans. It was founded in 1920 and is chartered by Congress .  Veterans who have served, we would like YOU to join us today!  By becoming a member of the PLAV, you will sense the pride of membership in an organization dedicated to the well being of all veterans who served our country. To join, contact Thea at 631-276-3435 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

THANK YOU Polish Legion of Veterans Ladies Auxiliary 

 Thank you to the Polish Legion of American Veterans Ladies Auxiliary for caring for the Memorial Wall in Sacred Hearts Cemetery.  This is a special way to honor and thank our Veterans for their service.

(PLAV/LA) will be having a membership drive this month... we are hoping for ladies of our church and community to join us on helping our veterans. Contact: Thea Dombrowski-Fry 631-276-3435 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Support Our Lady of Poland

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It doesn't take much time and the gift amount is up to you.
Thank you and God Bless! Give via PayPal

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Discover, AMX or E-Check


If you would like a mass card, dedicate mass intentions or flowers, receive a baptismal certificate or any other business matter, please stop by the rectory on any Monday thru Friday between the hours of 10AM - 2PM.  If you are not available during these times, call the rectory at 631-283-0667 or 631-287-4449 or email us at olpchurch@optonline.net and we would be happy to schedule an appointment with you. The office is closed on all Holy Days and Holidays. 

 Click here to Contact us