As a church of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, our parish complies with all diocesan policies and practices - including compliance with The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. You can find information concerning the Diocese of Rockville Centre’s efforts to protect children at the webpage for the Office of the Protection of Children and Young People by clicking here.
All volunteers and employees are required to attend Virtus training. For a list of upcoming sessions of Virtus training throughout our diocese and to register, click here

Our Eucharistic Ministers assist at Mass with the sharing of the Body and Blood of Christ. They bring the Eucharist to the homebound, hospital and nursing home, so that they too are united with the Lord and the faith community, as well as being of invaluable assistance to the priest. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please call the rectory for information and training requirements.
Our youngest volunteers serve an important role in our parish. They assist the priest at each Mass. If you would like to be an altar server, please speak to Fr. Janusz.

The lectors at Our Lady of Poland Parish proclaim God's Word to the people. Thus, Lectors must understand the sacred scriptures and convey the meaning to all present at our Sunday and weekday liturgies. To prepare properly, lectors study and analyze the scripture passages, pray for insight and inspiration, utilize resource books supplied by the parish and practice their delivery.
Our ushers greet parishioners and friends as they enter the church, help them find seats in the pews, if necessary, assist with the collections and distribute the Bulletin at the end of Mass.
We have two dedicated organists who select and provide the music for all our Masses.
We welcome any of our Polish parishioners who love to sing to join the Polish choir up in the choir loft at the Polish Masses on Sundays at 8AM and 10:30AM.
Our projector is now being used at Masses in both English and Polish on Sundays. We welcome all our parishioners and friends to sing along at Mass and hope that it will be easier to sing along without having to fumble through the hymnals to find the song.
Remember “to sing is to Pray twice!”

Children from OLP take religious education classes at the Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary on Hill Street in Southampton. Please call 631-283- 0097 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register your child. They begin class in first grade for the 2 year preparation for First Communion in second grade. First Communion will be celebrated at Our Lady of Poland for our parishioners. However, our young parishioners will celebrate their Confirmation with the Bishop of Rockville Centre at the Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in 9 th grade.
To schedule the sacrament of Baptism or Marriage, please call the rectory at 631-283- 0667.