May 12, 2022 marks the tenth anniversary of the passing of our beloved Pastor, Father Stanley Kondeja, who served our parish for over 20 years. We will be forever grateful for all he did for our church. There will be a special Mass in honor of Fr. Stanley on Thursday evening at 6:30PM. We hope you will join us in honoring Fr. Stanley. Please remember him in your prayers. Eternal rest grant to him, O’ Lord.
If you would like a mass card, dedicate mass intentions or flowers, receive a baptismal certificate or any other business matter, please stop by the rectory on any Monday thru Friday between the hours of 10AM - 2PM. If you are not available during these times, call the rectory at 631-283-0667 or 631-287-4449 or email us at olpchurch@optonline.net and we would be happy to schedule an appointment with you. The office is closed on all Holy Days and Holidays.