• Over 100 Years of Service 1918 - 2020

  • The Little Country Church - Bringing Generations Together In Christ

  • Come As a Guest… Leave As a Friend

  • Come Celebrate, Together!

Welcome to Our Lady of Poland

Welcome to Our Lady of Poland Church website. Our Lady of Poland Church is first and foremost the House of God! It is a haven for all who seek God's love and graces, giving solace and strength to soul and mind. It has a renowned reputation for being recognized as "that little country Church near the R.R. Plaza in Southampton Village," and people from near and far are attracted with the quiet beauty of the church and its inspiring atmosphere of serenity. Our Pastor is ever accessible to all, offering compassion, understanding, and God's consoling message healing the spiritual as well as physical needs of soul and body.
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you have been able to discover that we are a church that seeks to be faithful to the Lord and to the mission, He has given us to reach both the community and the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. . We care about you and your needs. We hope that through the ministries we do here, we will be able to convey God's love to you and help you discover the joy God wants you to experience in your daily walk. In conclusion, we again pray to the Blessed Mother, with these words:
Mary Queen of Poland pray for us!

Create an account on OLP Website. This will help us to keep you informed with Live Streaming, Mass Schedule, OLP News, and Changes Click Here to Register

The Beauty of Christmas
Thank you to Thomas Upshur, Pro Bikers for Life for making this video of the Christmas Decorations at Our Lady of Poland RC Church, Southampton, New York.

From Fr Janusz

Save the Date!
On May 3, 2025, the Patron Day of our Lady, Queen of Poland, there will be a special Mass at 5PM celebrated by Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski for the Crowning of the Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our church.
We hope you will mark your calendars and plan on attending this special celebration on May 3, 2025 at the 5PM Mass. More details to follow soon!

O Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires.
O Saint Joseph, assist me by your powerful intercession and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, so that having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers.
O Saint Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath Amen.
O Saint Joseph, hear my prayers and obtain my petitions. O Saint Joseph, pray for me (Mention your intention)

International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima
Our Lady of Poland was honored to host the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima, as well as relics of St. Jacinta and St. Francisco on June 22, 2024. We are happy that so many people were able to attend. A very special thank you to Loretta Lynch and Carmela Cicero for planning the event, S. Kathy and the young children from Our Lady of the Hamptons, the members of the Knights of Columbus Southampton Council #1967, as well as for the fourth degree Honor Guard for participating in the procession. We are also grateful to the ladies of the Rosary Society for leading us in prayer and to our organist, Piotr Soroka and cantor, Loretta Lynch for leading us in song throughout the evening, and to Patricia Garland for being our lector, Christopher Morro for altar serving and Karen Morro for serving as a Eucharistic Minister. Thank you to Loretta and Terry Lynch for the most beautiful flowers surrounding Our Lady and Theresa Skowyra for the flowers in front of the altar. It was truly a special evening!

International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima visit to Our Lady of Poland June 22, 2024

For more pictures, please see our June 30, 2024 Bulletin 



Thank you to all who supported our 2023 Summer Cocktail Party



100th Anniversary Celebration

Pictures from the 100th Anniversary Jubilee Mass and Dinner Dance, which was held on June 30, 2018 at 230 ELM (formerly the Polish Hall), are posted in the 100th Anniversary folder in the OLP Gallery under the About Our Church tab above.       Thanks to Paul Kloc Photography for the wonderful pictures!

What a wonderful year we had celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Poland. The 100th Anniversary Centennial Journals are here!  Please call, email or stop by the rectory, if you would like a copy. Free will donations for this beautiful keepsake are appreciate.  Each family is permitted to take one journal, however, if your family would like more than one copy, you may purchase additional copies for $40.Many thanks to all who placed an ad in the journal and to Greg & Urszula Fabiszewski, Erika Minogue, Thea Fry, and Nancy Graboski, for their hard work on the Journal. In addition, be sure to check out our 100th Anniversary OLP Parish Family collage, which is in the church.  Thank you to everyone who submitted photo for the collage and to Jadwiga Korczak and Urszula Fabiszewski for completing it.

May OLP exist for another 100 years! Sto lat!

Fr. Janusz Lipski and the Parishioners of Our Lady of Poland wish to thank the Stockholders, Members and Directors; Helen Corrigan, Stan Glinka, John Grocki and Vincent Scerbinski of the Polish American Political Club for underwriting the entire cost of the 100th Jubilee Banquet at the Polish Hall on June 30th, 2018. We are most grateful for your extreme generosity.  

Exactly 100 hundred years ago, on June 30, 1918, the first mass was celebrated by Rev. Aleksander Cizmowski in the Schwenk’s Arcade building in Southampton Village. Money was raised by 331 families and the St. Anthony’s Benevolent Society and soon ground was broken for a church to be constructed at our current day location of 35 Maple Street. The church was completed on Christmas Eve, 1918. At 6AM on Christmas Day, 1918 the first mass was said by Rev. Cizmowski in the new church.

Today, 100 years later, we celebrate and give thanks to our founders, many of whom are the grandparents of our current parishioners, for their courage and vision to build our beautiful church.

We thank Bishop Andrzej Zglejszewski for celebrating the 100th Anniversary Mass with us.

We are so grateful for all those who contributed to this day. Our parish would not be the special place that it is without our loyal and faithful parishioners who do so much for our church.



What a special day we had on May 5, 2019 when Most Reverend Richard Henning celebrated Mass with us in honor of Our Lady Queen of Poland and installed our first class relic of Pope Saint John Paul II, which we received from the Vatican at the request of Fr. Janusz, with the assistance of Bishop Barres. The relic was installed under the portrait of St. Pope John Paul II, which was painted for Our Lady of Poland and blessed by Bishop Brennan several years ago.  We are most grateful to the Southampton Knights of Columbus for sponsoring this event.

(see more pictures in the OLP Gallery under the About our Church tab)






The Polish Legion of American Veterans - Ladies Auxiliary is wrapping up taking names this year for the Polish American Veterans Memorial in Sacred Hearts Cemetery. They are trying to fulfill their promise to the families of the WWII veterans and are almost completed. They are up to 100 WWII Veterans. Any group, organization, or individual that would like to sponsor the cost of engraving the additional names on the wall, as well as the cost of regular maintenance and flowers placed at the Memorial for holidays and services, please contact: Thea Dombrowski-Fry at 631-276-3435 or frythea@yahoo.com. God Bless America and our fallen Veterans. Please keep their families in your prayers.

“Unity with Heritage” The Polish Legion of American Veterans U.S.A. (PLAV) is a veterans organization open to all Active Members of our Armed Forces and Honorable Discharged Veterans. It was founded in 1920 and is chartered by Congress . Veterans who have served, we would like YOU to join us today! By becoming a member of the PLAV, you will sense the pride of membership in an organization dedicated to the well being of all veterans who served our country. To join, contact Thea at 631-276-3435 or frythea@yahoo.com

Polish Legion of Veterans Ladies Auxiliary (PLAV/LA) will be having a membership drive this month... we are hoping for ladies of our church and community to join us on helping our veterans. Contact: Thea Dombrowski-Fry 631-276-3435 frythea@yahoo.com. The PLAV - Ladies Auxiliary would like to congratulate Peter Gale for 50 years of service to the Southampton Fire Department. He was awarded an Appreciation Award from the PLAV - Ladies Auxiliary, as well as Robert Essay Sr. - 50 years and in Memoriam - Edward Corrigan for 75 years of service to the SHFD. Thank you for your service!